Another Membership Option 
Non-Traditional Clubs
Type 2 and Type 3 clubs have been a facet of the WHS Handicap System for years. These clubs provide a worthy and fun alternative for golfers desiring association membership.
Forming such a golf club is quite simple. First you need at least 20 golfers who have a chance to play together on a regular basis. Second, your group needs to be run by a set of by-laws and committees, the most important being a handicap committee to supervise your golf activities and maintain standards set by the World Handicap System (WHS). Last, each golfer needs the chance to return scores personally and be able to view the scores of other club members (better known as peer review…an essential component of the WHS Handicap System). Sounds similar to a golf league!
If your group or your league would like to form a club and become members of the GCGA, call 522-4444 and ask how to become a club.
GCGA Non-Traditional Clubs
Rare Eagle Golf Club
Springboro, OH
Invitation Only
The Provisional
Cincinnati, OH
Invitation Only